10h00 - 13h00 // Accueil des participants et inscriptions
Hall d'accueil - Hôtel Saint Paul
10h00 - 13h00 // Comité scientifique SNE
Salon Bonnard - Hôtel Saint Paul
13h30 // Cérémonie d'ouverture
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
14h00 // Symposium 1 - "Sexual dimorphism in neuroendocrinology"
Modérateurs : Carmelo Quarta (Bordeaux, France), Agnès Nadjar (Bordeaux, France)
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
16h00 // Pause Café ☕
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
16h30 // Flash Talk
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
17h30 // Fin de la journée
19h00 // Conférence Grand Public
"Perturbateurs endocriniens : Recherche et Réglementation"
Sakina Mhaouty-Kodja (Paris, France)
Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen
20h00 // Apéritif Dinatoire 🍽️
Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen
9h00 // Symposium 2 - "Therapeutic neuroendocrine strategies in Alzheimer’s disease"
Modérateurs : Laurent Givalois (Montpellier, France), Emmanuel Planel (Québec, Canada)
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
11h00 // Pause Café ☕
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
11h30 // Session Poster
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
12h30 // Repas 🍽️
Restaurant - Hôtel Saint Paul
13h30 // Communications orales
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
14h30 // Pause Café ☕
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
15h00 // Assemblée Générale
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
16h00 // Fin de la journée
17h00 // Activités
9h00 // Conférence Claude Fortier
"Susceptibility to modern food environment: a role for brain lipid sensing ?"
Serge Luquet (Paris, France)
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
10h00 // Pause Café ☕
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
10h30 // Symposium 3 - "New insights in the central action of thyroid hormones"
Modérateurs : Marie-Pierre Moisan (Bordeaux, France), Xavier Bonnefont (Montpellier, France)
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
12h30 // Repas 🍽️
Restaurant - Hôtel Saint Paul
13h30 // Session Poster
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
14h30 // Symposium 4 Jeunes Chercheurs - "Maternal effect on plasticity of neuroendocrine functions"
Modérateurs : Clara Sanchez (Valbonne, France), Rachida Ammari (Londre, Royaume-Uni)
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
15h30 // Pause Café ☕
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
16h00 // Communications Orales
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
17h00 // Prix SNE et Prix de Thèse
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
18h00 // Fin de la journée
19h00 // Transfert Bus 🚍
19h30 // Dîner de Gala 🍽️
Citadelle de Villefranche-sur-Mer
9h00 // Hommage à Denis Richard
Alexandre Caron (Québec, Canada)
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
9h30 // Conférence Jacques Benoît
"The amazing molecular diversity of hypothalamic neurons: Tackling mechanisms one neuron at a time."
Denise Belsham (Toronto, Canada)
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
10h30 // Pause Café ☕
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
11h00 // Symposium 5 - "Neuro-modulator systems regulating metabolism"
Modérateurs : Alexandre Caron (Québec, Canada), Virginie Tolle (Paris, France)
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
13h00 // Remise des Prix et Cérémonie de clôture
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
13h30 // Paniers Repas 🍽️
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
10h00 - 13h00 // Accueil des participants et inscriptions
Hall d'accueil - Hôtel Saint Paul
10h00 - 13h00 // Comité scientifique SNE
Salon Bonnard - Hôtel Saint Paul
13h30 - 14h00 // Cérémonie d'ouverture
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
14h00 - 16h00 // Symposium 1 - "Sexual dimorphism in neuroendocrinology"
Modérateurs : Carmelo Quarta (Bordeaux, France), Agnès Nadjar (Bordeaux, France)
14h00-14h30 S1.1 Manuel Tena-Sempere (Cordoba, Espagne)
Sex differences in the neuroendocrine control of puberty: Current knowledge and open questions
14h30-15h00 S1.2 Agnès Nadjar (Bordeaux, France)
Sexual dimorphism in microglial nutrient sensitivity
15h00-15h30 S1.3 Alexandre Caron (Québec, Canada)
Hypothalamic and Autonomic Control of Metabolism: Does Sex Matter
15h30-16h00 S1.4 Deborah M. Kurrash (Calgary, Canada)
Sex differentiation programs of the embryonic hypothalamus
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
16h00 - 16h30 // Pause Café ☕
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
16h30 - 17h30 // Flash Talks
Modérateurs : Elodie Desroziers (Paris, France), Alexandre Benani (Dijon, France)
16h30-16h35 PF.1 Marie Barbier (Lausanne, Suisse)
Untangling the complexity of POMC neurocircuits: anatomic, genetic and functional perspectives.
16h35-16h40 PF.2 Ludovica Cotellessa (Lille, France)
Exposure to high anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels during mini-puberty in mice induces Polycystic Ovary Syndrome-like defects in both sexes.
16h40-16h45 PF.3 Eleonora Deligia (Lille, France)
Inhibition of transcytosis in tanycytes alters energy and glucose homeostasis.
16h45-16h50 PF.4 Louise Eygret (Bordeaux, France)
Olfaction and feeding behaviour: Neuronal substrates underlying odour modulation of food intake regulating neuronal circuits.
16h50-16h55 PF.5 Thomas Ferrand (Rouen, France)
Neurosecretion is finely tuned by molecular actors sorted at the Golgi membrane level in neuroendocrine cells.
16h55-17h00 PF.6 Justine Fredoc-Louison (Paris, France)
Perinatal exposure to TBBPA interferes with the establishment of the thyroid axis at young age and the ability to cope with metabolic challenges in adulthood.
17h00-17h05 PF.7 Chloé Glachet (Liège, Belgique)
Transgenerational alterations of energy balance and hypothalamic melanocortin system caused by a mixture of endocrine disrupting chemicals in rats.
17h05-17h10 PF.8 Emma Grosjean (Strasbourg, France)
Impact of nighttime light pollution on female metabolism in a diurnal animal model.
17h10-17h15 PF.9 Marina Habib (Lyon, France)
Modulation of intestinal gluconeogenesis by the perinatal nutritional environment.
17h15-17h20 PF.10 Amélie Joly (Lyon, France)
Sex-dependent developmental and physiological trade-offs in response to juvenile malnutrition.
17h20-17h25 PF.11 Clarisse Quignon (Washington, United States)
Effect of maternal hypothyroidism during gestation on the development of GnRH neurons in the offspring.
17h25-17h30 PF.12 Audrey Turmel (Québec, Canada)
Noradrenergic control of proopiomelanocortin neurons.
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
17h30 // Fin de la journée
19h00 - 20h00 // Conférence Grand Public - "Perturbateurs Endocriniens ; Recherche et Réglementation"
Sakina Mhaouty-Kodja (Paris, France)
Modératrice: Carole Rovère (Valbonne, France)
Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen
20h00 // Apéritif Dinatoire 🍽️
Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen
9h00 - 11h00 // Symposium 2 - "Therapeutic neuroendocrine strategies in Alzheimer’s disease"
Modérateurs : Laurent Givalois (Montpellier, France), Emmanuel Planel (Québec, Canada)
9h00-9h30 S2.1 Geoffrey Canet (Montpellier, France / Québec, Canada)
Is Alzheimer’s disease a stress-related disorder? Focus on the therapeutic potential of selective glucocorticoid receptors modulators
9h30-10h00 S2.2 Frédéric Calon (Québec, Canada)
How metabolic hormones interact with the brain: therapeutic applications for Alzheimer's disease
10h00-10h30 S2.3 Maud Gratuze (Marseille, France)
Unveiling the Brain's Chubby Secrets: Disrupted cholesterol and Lipid metabolism in Alzheimer's Disease
10h30-11h00 S2.4 Emmanuel Planel (Québec, Canada)
Unveiling the thermoregulatory nexus: Exploring the intricate interplay between temperature dysregulation and Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
11h00 - 11h30 // Pause Café ☕
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
11h30 -12h30 // Session Poster
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
11h30 -12h30 // Repas 🍽️
Restaurant - Hôtel Saint Paul
13h30 -14h30 // Communications Orales
Modérateurs : Stéphanie Fulton (Montréal, Canada), Stéphane Gasman (Strasbourg, France)
13h30-13h45 OC.1 Camille Allard (Bordeaux, France)
Unravelling the role of mitochondria-associated cannabinoid receptors type 1 (mtCB1) in glucose homeostasis: unexpected new partners for insulin secretion.
13h45-14h00 OC.2 Fernando Cazarez-Marquez (Tromso, Norvège)
c-fos induction in the choroid plexus, tanycytes and pars tuberalis is an early indicator of spontaneous arousal from torpor in a deep hibernator.
14h00-14h15 OC.3 Mélodie Devere (Rouen, France)
Glucose homeostasis and energy metabolism are impaired in orexins deficient mice.
14h15-14h30 OC.4 Manon Duquenne (Montréal, Canada)
Regulating corticosterone secretion: is it a fo(u)r stars service?
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
14h30 - 15h00 // Pause Café ☕
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
15h00 - 16h00 // Assemblée Générale
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
16h00 // Fin de la journée
17h00 // Activités (SENSAS, Visite du Vieux Nice, Visite de la Grotte du Lazaret)
9h00 - 10h00 // Lecture Claude Fortier
"Susceptibility to modern food environment: a role for brain lipid sensing ?"
Serge Luquet (Paris, France)
Modérateurs: Sakina Mhaouty-Kodja (Paris, France), William Rostène (Paris, France)
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
10h00 - 10h30 // Pause Café ☕
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
10h30 - 12h30 // Symposium 3 - "New insights in the central action of thyroid hormones"
Modérateurs : Marie-Pierre Moisan (Bordeaux, France), Xavier Bonnefont (Montpellier, France)
10h30-11h00 S3.1 Karine Gauthier (Lyon, France)
Thyroid hormone control of thermogenesis: a dialog between the hypothalamus and the periphery.
11h00-11h30 S3.2 Daniel Bernard (Montréal, Canada)
Mechanisms of central hypothyroidism in IGSF1-deficiency syndrome.
11h30-12h00 S3.3 Xavier Bonnefont (Montpellier, France)
Alteration of the central circadian clock during hypothyroidism.
12h00-12h30 S3.4 Rachel Gineis (Bordeaux, France)
Memory deficit in mice fed a high fat high sucrose diet during adolescence linked to hypothyroidism in hippocampus.
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
12h30 -13h30 // Repas 🍽️
Restaurant - Hôtel Saint Paul
13h30 -14h30 // Session Poster
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
14h30 - 15h30 // Symposium 4 Jeunes Chercheurs - "Maternal effect on plasticity of neuroendocrine functions"
Modérateurs : Rachida Ammari (Londres, Royaume-Uni), Cristina Miralpeix (Bordeaux, France) et Clara Sanchez (Valbonne, France)
14h30-14h50 S4.1 Rachida Ammari (Londres, Royaume-Uni)
Hormone-mediated neural remodeling orchestrates parenting onset during pregnancy.
14h50-15h10 S4.2 Roberta Haddad Tovolli (Barcelone, Espagne)
Neuronal circuits underlying maternal dietary habits and the programming of offspring health.
15h10-15h30 S4.3 Marialetizia Rastelli (Lille, France)
Maternal gut microbiome alteration has enduring effects on offspring's metabolic programming and neuroendocrine plasticity.
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
15h30 - 16h00 // Pause Café ☕
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
16h00 -17h00 // Communications Orales
Modérateurs : Amandine Gautier-Stein (Lyon, France), Paolo Giacobini (Lille, France)
16h00-16h15 OC.5 Judith Estrada-Meza (Lausanne, Suisse)
Local translation as a molecular mechanism underlying tanycyte-neuron communication for energy balance regulation.
16h15-16h30 OC.6 Charlotte Jacquinet (Liège, Belgique)
Effects of in utero high fat and high sucrose diet exposure on postnatal growth and pubertal development.
16h30-16h45 OC.7 Alicia Sicardi (Lille, France)
GnRH, a fertile new pathway for the regulation of food intake.
16h45-17h00 OC.8 Thomas Torres (Paris, France)
Effects of minipuberty disruption on the expression of sexual behavior in female mice.
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
17h00 -18h00 // Prix de Thèse et Prix SNE
Modérateurs : Patricia Parnet (Nantes, France) ; Sébastien Bouret (Lille, France)
17h00-17h30 Prix de Thèse Clara Sanchez (Valbonne, France)
Dietary fatty acid composition drives neuroinflammation and impaired behavior in obesity.
17h30-18h00 Prix SNE Cristina Miralpeix (Bordeaux, France)
Hypothalamic POMC neurons control competing behaviours.
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
18h00 // Fin de la journée
19h00 // Transfert Bus 🚍
19h30 // Dîner de Gala 🍽️
Citadelle de Villefranche-sur-Mer
9h00 - 9h30 // Hommage à Denis Richard
Alexandre Caron (Québec, Canada)
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
9h30 - 10h30 // Lecture Jacques Benoît
"The amazing molecular diversity of hypothalamic neurons: Tackling mechanisms one neuron at a time."
Denise Belsham (Toronto, Canada)
Modérateurs : Patricia Parnet (Nantes, France) ; Sébastien Bouret (Lille, France)
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
10h30 - 11h00 // Pause Café ☕
Patio extérieur Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
11h00 - 13h00 // Symposium 5 - "Neuro-modulator systems regulating metabolism"
Modérateurs : Alexandre Caron (Québec, Canada), Virginie Tolle (Paris, France)
11h00-11h30 S5.1 Natalie Michael (Québec, Canada)
Histamine: at the nexus of sleep and metabolism.
11h30-12h00 S5.2 Stéphanie Fulton (Montréal, Canada)
Leptin modulation of motivation and mood.
12h00-12h30 S5.3 Xavier Fioramonti (Bordeaux, France)
Interplay between the serotonergic system and the energy metabolism.
12h30-13h00 S5.4 Jérôme Leprince (Rouen, France)
Endozepines : gliopeptides with anorexigenic functions.
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
13h00 -13h30 // Cérémonie de clotûre
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
13h30 // Panis Repas 🍽️
Salon Bréa - Hôtel Saint Paul
Comité scientifique
ANOUAR Youssef, Rouen (Président)
BOURET Sébastien, Lille (Vice-Président)
CARON Alexandre, Québec
COTA Daniela, Bordeaux
DESROZIERS Elodie, Paris
GANGAROSSA Giuseppe, Paris
GIVALOIS Laurent, Montpellier
HELLIER Vincent, Tours
JEANNETEAU Freddy, Montpellier
MARTIN Agnès, Montpellier
MIRALPEIX Cristina, Bordeaux
PARNET Patricia, Nantes
PICOT Marie, Rouen
ROVERE Carole, Nice
SANCHEZ Clara, Nice
SHARIF Ariane, Lille (Trésorière)
TOLLE Virginie, Paris
TOSTIVINT Hervé, Paris (Secrétaire Général)
VITALE Nicolas, Strasbourg